Zhou Gong – Chinese God of Dreams- thumbnail

Zhou Gong, also known as the Duke of Zhou who is reputed to have assisted significantly in the development of the Yi Qing, (Book of Changes), an ancient divination text.

He was a great strategist and thinker of the early Zhou Dynasty and played a vital role in consolidating the newly-founded Zhou Dynasty. He was also one of the ancient sages most admired by Confucius. Ancient Chinese believed that when something important to happen with someone, Zhou Gong will let the person know in his dream.

There is also a book called Zhou Gong’s Book of Auspicious and Inauspicious Dreams. It borrowed Zhou Gong’s name and analyzed the dreams in this book to predict the future based on dream contents. For example if you dream of the sun or moon rising, your family will be prosperous, educated and will have good jobs. On the other hand it the sun or moon is setting, then you may be cheated by your friends or subordinates. if you dream of visiting a temple, seeing the status of Buddha it means very good fortune. Have you dreamt of seeing a dead person rising out of a coffin? Do not worry. It is a good sign. It means that you will be earning a lot of money! f you dream of a snake becoming a dragon, it means you will get help from someone. If the snake bites you, you will receive a lot of money. Generally speaking if you dream of a dragon, phoenix or peacock it implies good fortune.

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