General Yue Fei , a Paragon of Loyalty- thumbnail

Yue Fei was a general of the Southern Song Dynasty, who fought victoriously against the invading forces of Jin, a kingdom established in northern China by the Nuzhen tribe, and drove them out of the Central Plains.

Yue Fei was eager to recover occupation of central plains and he was strict with himself and careful of his soldiers. The Yuejia Army he led was very brave and was defeated.

In 1140, the Jin army under General Wu Zhu attacked the Southern Song Dynasty. The army was specially trained and their warhorses were clad in thick armor.Yue Fei found the weakness of the horses and instructed his men to hack the horses’ unprotected legs. In this way, the Jin troops lost their advantage, and were crushingly defeated. Wu Shu was despaired when he heard the news because most of his victories are thanks to the equipped horses, Yue Fei recaptured many lands.

However, the fatuous Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty made peace with the Jin. Yue Fei was commanded to withdrawn and was dismissed from his military power. In 1142 Yue Fei was sentenced to death on a trumped-up charge by treacherous official Qin Hui. At that time, Yue Fei was only 39-year-old.

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