Lady General Hua Mulan, the Girl Disguised as a Boy to Fight for Her Country- thumbnail

HUA Mu-lan was the second daughter of an old general who started teaching her the martial art skill as a hobby although in those days, girls were taught only to weave and embroider.

When the Mongolian invaded the South, Mu-lan’s father, being an ex-service man received the Emperor’s conscription, ordering him to resume his military role.   Mu-lan was worried about her father’s health and his fitness and proposed that she would enlist as a soldier and fight on behalf of his father. Her proposal was turned down because she was a girl. So Mu-lan disguised to be a boy and defeated her father to prove her supreme skill. Finally both her parents agreed.

Mu-land was on her way to the frontier with her cousin, HUA Ming, making sure that she would not expose her identity accidentally. Mu-lan won most of the fighting exercises and scored extremely high marks in the army .One night, Mu-lan received a report from the scouts that the enemies who had been lying low for some time, were swimming across the river towards their side. She immediately reported this to General Li, and together they immediately deployed their solider to ambush the Mongolians. When Mu-lan saw the Chief of the Mongolians escape to the west; she immediately chased after him on her horse and the Mongolian Chief threw a dagger at Mu-lan. Although Mu-lan had ducked her head, she was still hit byte dagger at the arm. At the same time, she threw a spear right into the Chief’s chest. He fell from the horse and was killed instantly.

The good news of General Li’s victory was broken to the Commander, and he said he would ask the Emperor to reward Mu-lan with one thousand teals of gold and a promotion.  Mu-lan turned down the handsome reward courteously and instead she requested the Commander to discharge her from the army so that she could return home to see her parents.  Her wish was granted.

General Li did not realize Mu-lan was a girl until Mu-lan told him the truth on his visited. General Li admired Mu-lan’s Courage and virtues and he fell in love with her immediately. Mu-land then married General Li and lived happily ever after.

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