
Confucian Thought on Heaven and Humanity- thumbnail

Confucian Thought on Heaven and Humanity

An enduring classic of Chinese culture, The Analects has influenced all thinkers, writers and politicians in the over-2,000-year-long history of China after Confucius. No scholar could truly understand this long-standing culture or the inner world of the ancient Chinese without this book.
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Qu Yuan, a Patriotic Poet

Qu Yuan was a patriotic poet in the State of Chu. People hold dragon-boat and eat zongzi (a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves) to remember him.
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Qinshihuang – The First Emperor in Chinese History

Qin Shi Huang ascended the throne at 13 and by 21 had assumed full power. He aggressively conquered the feudal states and took control of the whole of China in 221BC.
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Wang Xizhi, the Saint of Calligraphy

Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was called by later generations the Saint of Calligraphy.
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Xuanzang’s Journey to the West

During Xuanzang’s journey to the west, he traveled through over 70 countries and studied in Tianzhu for 15 years. He made great contributions to cultural exchanges between China and other countries.
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Wu Zetian, China’s First Female Monarch

Wu Zetian was an outstanding stateswoman in Chinese history.
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The Golden Age of Three Emperors

The reigns of the Qing emperors Kangxi (1661-1722 AD), Yongzheng (1722-1735 AD) and Qianlong (1735-1796 AD) marked a period of unprecedented prosperity both politically and economically.
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Mencius came to be regarded as the greatest Confucian thinker after Confucius. Mencius based his entire system of thought on the concept of jen: "humaneness," "humanity," "benevolence"
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Pu Songling

The Strange Tales of Pu Songling are exquisite and amusing miniatures that are regarded as the pinnacle of classical Chinese fiction.
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Zhou Gong – Chinese God of Dreams

Zhou Gong was a great strategist and thinker of the early Zhou Dynasty. Ancient Chinese believed that when something important will happen to someone, Zhou Gong will let the person know in his dream.
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Zhang Qian—-the Pioneer of the Silk Road

Zhang Qian was one of the most outstanding envoys and explorers in history. He made a great contribution to the opening up of the ancient Silk Road which is a bridge for cross-culture exchange.
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Mo Tzu

Mo Tzu laid stress on the need for universal love rather than love restricted to family. Mo Tzu was noteworthy in his stress on a proper methodology in setting up or accepting a doctrine.